Acne Treatment & Scar Removal
Light Therapy has a powerful effect on many types of acne, as well as reducing the appearance of acne scarring. Laser treatments remove dead skin and excess oil from clogged pores, leaving your skin luminous, smoother, and cleaner.

Active Acne
We use Pulsed Light Therapy to treat active acne. This gentle skin rejuvenation method is ideal for helping with acne.
Beard Bumps (PBF)
Shaving bumps, or pseudo folliculitis barbae, can be an itchy, painful nuisance. These bumps are the result of ingrown hairs that start to grow back after shaving but end up growing under the skin. We offer treatment to help get rid of PBF for good by eliminating the hair so that shaving isn’t necessary.

Botox & Fillers
Injectable fillers are a popular procedure because they deliver instant and lasting results. Fillers are used to restore skin fullness that’s been lost due to aging.
Broken Capillary Removal
Broken capillaries can appear on the face or other parts of the body and cause redness in the affected area. Our laser technicians can remove the appearance of these veins in a short period of time.

Chemical Peels
A chemical peel is a gentle yet effective way to treat aging, scars, and discoloration, usually on the face. Our chemical peels strip away the top layer of skin and any dead cells that could make your skin look dull, dark, or tired.
Dark Spot, Age Spot, Sun Spot, and Liver Spot Removal
Skin spots take a variety of shapes, colors, and forms. While they may be benign, many people choose to have them removed for a smoother, more consistent complexion.

Facial Vein Removal
Facial veins can be safely removed with a laser treatment. We can treat individual veins using non-invasive procedures.
Laser Hair Removal
Never shave again? Our laser hair removal service targets hair roots beneath the skin to prevent hair from returning.

As you age, collagen production decreases and results in lines or sagging skin. Microneedling uses fine needles on the skin to stimulate natural collagen production to reduce the appearance of aging.
Milia & Cherry Angioma Removal
Milia (small, bump-like cysts under the skin) and cherry angiomas (mole-like bumps made up of an overgrowth of capillaries) are harmless, but you may choose to have them removed. Our non-invasive procedure eliminates milia and cherry angiomas for a smoother skin appearance.

Photofacials are non-invasive procedures that use Pulsed Light Therapy to treat a variety of conditions. This gentle skin rejuvenation method is ideal for blemishes and discoloration.
Plasma Fibroblast
Plasma fibroblast therapy is a nonsurgical procedure that uses high-frequency electric current to help treat conditions such as wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, and more.

Rosacea Removal
Laser treatment is a common solution to rosacea, helping to reduce redness and restore smoothness to the skin. Our lasers target visible blood vessels that destroy the lining of the vessels to deliver long-lasting results.
Scar Removal
Every scar tells a story. But if you prefer to keep your stories in your mind and not on your body, we offer scar removal that will minimize the appearance of scars and blend in with your surrounding skin’s tone and texture. We help with several different types of scar removal including acne scars.

Skin Tag & Mole Removal
Skin tags and moles can appear seemingly overnight, but even though they’re often harmless, they can be a nuisance on your skin. Our professional skin tag and mole removal is highly effective and minimizes the chance of scarring.
Skin Tightening (Fine Lines & Wrinkles)
Fine lines and wrinkles don’t have to be the cost of getting older. Fibroblast safely tightens skin to restore your youthful glow.

Spider Vein Removal
Much like our facial vein removal, we also treat spider veins on the face and legs. These veins are sometimes referred to as broken capillaries, broken blood vessels, or rosacea veins.
Stretch Mark Removal
Stretch marks are one of the most difficult types of skin condition to treat, but laser therapy offers promising results. Our treatments reduce the appearance of stretch marks and improve the texture of the skin.

Toenail Fungus Removal
Toenail fungus doesn’t heal by itself. Our treatments help to eliminate the thickness and yellow appearance of toenail fungus without removing the toenail.